Teacher Evaluation Form The above named student has applied to Echelon Academy. We would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to share your insight about this student with us. Please feel free to share any additional information that might help us in our admissions process.
What are the student’s strengths?
What are the academic interests of this student?
What are this child’s weaknesses and/or identified disability(ies)?
Are there any behavioral difficulties or medical issues that affect learning?
How would you compare this student academically to his/her peers?
What teaching strategies have you found to be effective with this student?
How does this child relate to adults?
Are this child’s social skills and maturity on target for his/her age?
What is the learning environment in your classroom (e.g. regular/special education, structure, teacher to student ratio, academic level, subject area, etc.)?
Please check the appropriate responses.
Academic/Personal Traits
Reading Skills:
Math Skills
Study Skills Preparation of Assignments
Seeks extra help when needed:
Please share any additional comments:
May we call you for further information? If yes, what days and times would be most convenient for you?